Friday, May 20, 2011


"And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount....Exodus 19:16

Andy woke me up early this morning and came into my bedroom, pulling me out of bed, "Come here," he said, "the mountain is smokin--."
Well, everything was beautiful, I have to say, there is nothing like the "earth right after rain."

I only wish I could capture the smell and the sounds on my Nikon....and with Katelyn practicing "Fur Elise" in the background, it is nothing short of heavenly. There is no place like home, there is no place like home.....


lulu said...

i could actually almost hear and smell everything about those pictures. they are beautiful. and its true, the earth is so beautiful right after rain. although i yearn for sunshine most days, i am in love with how green it is! i guess we should just soak it all in because before we know it we'll be complaining about the heat :)

Heather said...

Thanks for posting these happy scenes because I'm having a hard time keeping my spirits up in all this rain. I am feeling optimistic though that the earth is not going to go up in a ball of flame tomorrow since everything is too wet to burn. Of course there is that story about Elijah...

Michelle Wilkes said...

Those pictures did me good dealing with the dry,heat, and dust-blowing wind of the south west. Looking forward to coming to Utah to rain and green!

jessica& said...

At least you can capture and smell and sounds with your words. You are right, there is no place like home... Even when you are in a place as beautiful as Oz:)
Beautiful pics and post!

BarbWitzke said...

hey Colleen--mom here; just trying to learn to make comments so I am leaving one for you and I sent one to Jessica (hope it goes). Taking pictures is a great way to document the seasons; I loved the pics.

cap said...

love the pics, it was beautiful up in park city when the cloud were over the mountains. It was smokin' everywhere and with the light rain coming down, snow caps in the background, it was pretty amazing! I do not like the rain right now but I am loving what it is doing to my drive up the canyon! stunning.