Tuesday, June 5, 2012

For the auntie brigade...

Here is a couple more. Katelyn and Trevor took the boys up to see Heather and got to see Charlotte! Things are improving--and the boys learned how to really, really wash their hands! Hopefully, Heather gets to go and hold her next.

Little does the nurse in the background know that Katelyn is "Super Nanny" in disguise!
Edit: Katelyn just told me the lady was really nice and even stayed over so they could go in--just one of those pics I guess :-) because she has a beautiful smile and was so kind!
Whoa, somebody is going to be VERY busy, Dave! (Is that paper hanging down like a cash register receipt showing you what that O 2 costs!)


Cheryl said...

Thanks from an aunt! I can't wait to see everyone.

Good luck tomorrow.

Karebear said...

Thanks Colleen! It's hard being so far away. I'm glad that things are improving. Hoping they get a little sleep tonight (not likely, but I can hope for them). I'm just so happy for them!

jessica&john.com said...

These pictures are precious. The boys look so proud. Love it!