Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Because we just can't get enough....

Looking much, much better today. We tried so hard to get her to wake up but she just isn't quite ready to let go of those dreams. I tried explaining to her about the fashion closet that awaits her as soon as she is "unplugged"--I hope she is giving this some thought.

Katelyn really wanted her to open her eyes so that Katelyn's face would be imprinted as the "favorite aunt." Sorry to all my other auntie blog followers. She got one eye open for a second.

Jessica, we need you--thank goodness you will be here at about the same time she will be needing a fashion coordinator!

Aaaah, much happier now that we bundled her again!
Mommy and daughter--just as it should be!

P.S. deleted last comment about the nurse--she is much too nice and taking good care of Charlotte-besides she turned the other direction when she saw there was three of us in the room instead of the allotted two.


jessica& said...

These posts are my favorite part of the day. Hopefully she keeps that one eye shut until her real due-date and I arrive back in Utah. Please keep these coming. It makes me feel a little closer.

Karebear said...

She is just beautiful isn't she!?