Thursday, February 23, 2012


This is just an eclectic glimpse of what I am doing and what makes me theme, no thoughts, in no particular order...

Primrose always help me to bridge the gap between poinsettia and pansy season!

Cheryl treated Cathy and I to an afternoon tea at the Grand America--and it was a treat. The picture of the three of us was "not flattering" and since we don't post pictures that make our butts look fat or our eyes look drunk-this is what you are left with--oh my, was it delicious! Since that day, I have taken more time to sit down in the afternoon with a cup of tea and relax for a minute.

The carmel treat in the background has gold-leaf on the top!

 This ballon has been floating around the house at eye level for the past month--it always makes me smile when I round a corner and come face to face with it.
 On a snowy afternoon, Obama and Luke declared a truce and took a nap. Whenever I see the two of them together I think of this poem my mom used to read to me when I was little.
 Before Christmas, I planted some amaryllis bulbs--one never bloomed so I set the pot in the pool room. Imagine my surprise, when one snowy morning I went out there and found this...a sweet message from Mother Nature reminding me that I will make it through February.

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras was a February holiday this year, on the heels of President's Day. It was a small gathering but discovering Louis Armstrong and Nate King Cole on Pandora really jazzed the evening up.

Unbecoming pictures with your mouth full only apply to me and my sisters--Jake ate at least twenty Beignets--and that is not an exaggeration!

 Glitter becomes you Katelyn!
 Rachelle can make eating peanut butter and jelly more fun!

Tawna and Andy always a party make!

Mary Poppins has taken more kids under her wings with a little help from Katie Nana Luke!
 Little Logan has wormed his way into our hearts and brought back a lot of memories--Katelyn is probably tired of hearing stories of the Andy days before she was born.

In this weirdest of winters we were able to get in a ski day--I found I can keep up with Heather better when she is six months pregnant!


After--let the spring cleaning begin!


Heather said...

This post makes me think, "February is a lovely month." Thanks for sharing!

Cathy G said...

Looks like a busy month to me! Sorry I missed the ski day! Hope we can get one more in this year! My kids want to know why we don't celebrate Mardi Gras...

jessica& said...

This post makes me happy...and hungry. Where did you get the beignet mix? I agree, dinner is more delicious with coordinating music. I love Pandora. You will have to try Frank Sinatra next time you have spaghetti. It looks like not much has changed, you have a happening house full of love, pretty flowers, and yummy food. Miss it.

Chelsea said...

I am happy I'm not the only one who omits bad pics of myself :)

Cheryl said...

How can I possibly be the first one to comment on that desk??? That is so great! I love the flowers, I love gumbo, but I am seriously jealous of that desk. Maybe you can give me some tips on how you pulled that off. I'd love to hear anything you can teach me.

I love this kind of post. It's fun to see this window on your life, and it makes me feel like I'm going to survive February. Thanks!!