Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Carolyn Tagged Me!!

Four Shows I Watch:

1. Dancing with the Stars

2. Dancing with the Stars-Results Show

3. Good Morning America-Review of Dancing with the Stars

4. Parenthood—it follows Dancing With the Stars

Four Things I'm Passionate About:

1. My husband

2. My children

3. My grandchildren

4. Learning new things

Four Phrases I Say A Lot:

1. Drive careful!

2. Pick up your clothes!

3. WTF—I don’t say it but I sure think it a lotJ

4. I need to pull myself together—Dave told me I say this a lot

Four Things I've Learned from the Past:

1. Be a light; not a judge

2. There is no such thing as being “unworthy”

3. Nothing stays the same

4. Use Sunscreen!!!

Four Places I Would Like to Go:

1. Boston

2. Post-graduate school

3. Rome

4. Hike the Appalachian trail

Four Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Drove to St. George

2. Six loads of laundry (thank goodness for two machines)

3. Visited with my parents and watched family videos

4. Coordinated my children’s, dog’s, husband’s, lives via cell phone while traveling I-15.

Four Things I'm Looking Forward to:

1. Thanksgiving

2. Completing 10 Noahs’ buildings

3. a reunion with my Dad (not in the near future)

4. Writing another book

Four Things I Love About Winter:

1. My children are all gainfully employed

2. cross/country skiing

3. reading by the fire

4. Christmas music

Four Things on My Wish List:

1. Freedom

2. Peace

3. Understanding

4. To be able to hike in the mountains until the day I die.

1. Four People I Tag:

1. Cathy

2. Cheryl

3. Laura

4. Chelsea-In Canada

5. I thought Lindsey tagged Heather--your're it Heather. I have no idea why this is in giant letters--it's the blogger boogeyman!


lulu said...

haha I love that you are looking forward to 10 noahs' buildings being finished... that is sure something that is looked forward to at our house as well.

It was fun learning these simple things about you :)

jessica&john.com said...

Gosh this is a deep tag. Thanks for the words of wisdom. What's your next book going to be about. And post grad school..Awesome!

cathyg said...

Thanks! Seriously, it is good to make myself answer some of those questions! I also liked finding out the answers to the questions for you! I will look forward to the next book and the first ski trip of the season!

Heather said...

So...who's on dancing with the stars these days? I'm glad you posted this. It is fun hearing your answers.