Friday, May 21, 2010

A little bit of heaven.....

In the book Return From Tomorrow, George Ritchie tells of his Near Death Experience and his view of heaven. In describing one part of the next life he compares it to a university campus. He says, “Enormous buildings stood in a beautiful sunny park and there was a relationship between the various structures, a pattern in which they were arranged, that reminded me somewhat of a well-planned university. Except to compare what I was seeing with anything on earth was ridiculous. It was more as if all the schools and colleges in the world were only piecemeal reproductions of this reality.”

I have always liked that view of heaven, because whenever I am on a university campus, I feel a little closer to God. It feeds my soul and lifts my vision. I love the musty smells and the sight of people scurrying around with backpacks. I love being surrounded by buildings full of classrooms. I love the way college campuses combine art, architecture and wide-open spaces with little gardens and fountains. I love bookstores and libraries and laptop computers. I love sitting and discussing the “mysteries of the universe.” I love questions more than I love answers. I hope when I get to heaven I find, like Mr. Ritchie, that it is paved not with gold but with brick and mortar.

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Chelsea said...

i believe heaven is where or whatever feeds our souls! wonderful post

lulu said...

I like that description. Hopefully you can one day work at a university campus and feel that every single day :)

cathyg said...

Ok, for not having a camera, those are great pictures! Glad you found some peace on your trip! :) Can't wait for quiet time to hear more, but thanks for sharing some of your feelings! I like knowing what you are thinking about.

Heather said...

I've never thought of a college campus that way before (perhaps the memory of finals is still a bit too clear), but I think a agree. What a beautiful campus UNCG appears to have. I wish I could have seen it with you.

jessica& said...

I love this post! Sometimes I think I remember heaven but it was probably BYU since that is were my earliest memories were living so close at y mount.
I was on the ceu campus today with James. We laid on a blanked and enjoyed the beautiful landscape. I really like campuses now that I don't have the stress of term papers.

Brittney said...

So I came over after seeing Jessica's post about you graduating. I really want to go to school, and I look at my kids and wonder how I will ever have the time.

You inspire me.
