Friday, February 28, 2014

A Perfect Way to End February!

One of my favorite days of the year--Soldier Hollow Winter Olympics!

Drew way out front-he is fast, really, really fast! Not a coincidence that he was representing Team Norway!

Eli representing Team Mongolia--he reminded me that even though he is in Kindergarten he is reading at a fifth grade level now!

I will save this for when Proctor and Gamble makes one of those touchy feely commercials about moms and olympians!

Soldier Hollow must be one of the very few schools in the country where rifle shooting is part of the curriculum!

So after watching the Olympics, I now understand how in the Biathalon you have to get your heart rate up....

and then lower it so you can shoot straight!!

Isaac waiting to bring home the Gold!

Obligatory Nana shots!

Drew thinks I am cool...(I am saving up so I can follow him around the country as his personal photographer)

Considering how slushy the snow was after our rather warm winter...these two can move!

Off and gliding.

Charlotte's favorite Uncle Jake!


I still get this weird lump in my throat seeing Dave walking around...and Charlotte too!

Picnic in the snow.


A Bluebird Day

Catching some air

This is how I felt about the day too, Isaac!